ARIZE: Business. Culture. promotes diversity and inclusion in BUSINESS, CULTURE and COMMUNITY. We connect people to local businesses, professionals and important community resources – empowering them to BE the CHANGE they wish to see. Creating jobs, inspiring children, improving neighborhoods and much more. On purpose, we help people celebrate and support each other – whether they are different or the same in ethnicity, nationality or heritage. envisions a world where shared prosperity is a reality.
ARIZE e-News Magazine
ARIZE e-News Magazine is California’s gateway to trailblazing people, places and ideas. ARIZE engages its print, online and live audiences with breakthrough insights into community development issues and solutions that matter. It is a visionary platform for diversity and equity. Written for the progressive public, and influential leaders in the nonprofit, business and government sectors, ARIZE covers a wide range of subjects, from job creation, high technology and educating children, to policymaking, public safety and promoting the arts. Its aim is to inform and to inspire.