WHAT IS IT? Economically secure communities are good places to do business, work, live and raise families.
1. Stimulating Local and Regional Job Creation
Carved channels of business and real estate capital from investors to entrepreneurs (America’s most important source of job, income and wealth creation); incorporating a holistic form of technical assistance in the local and regional development, attraction, retention and growth of successful small, medium and large businesses, as well as microenterprises.
2. Increasing Family Income and Wealth
Increased family income and wealth through financial literacy, the ownership of quality affordable housing, commercial real estate and other assets.
3. Improving Diversity in STEM Education and Careers
Underrepresented, low-income and at-risk students positioned and retained to succeed in early pathways to science, technology, engineering and mathematics education and careers.
4. Changing Behavior and Nurturing Human Potential
At-risk youth, adults and ex-offenders steered away from destructive lifestyles to become economically self-sufficient, and make positive contributions to the community.
5. Fostering Healthy, Safe and Livable Environments
Distressed neighborhoods uplifted by human, social and economic catalysts that revitalize the soul of the community. This includes access to healthy food and medical clinics, crime prevention, physical beautification, infrastructure, transportation and the institutional cultivation of arts, sports, entertainment and culture.