FOCUS AREASACTION-oriented around Triple Bottom Line outcomes (TBL 3E's = Equity, Economic, Environmental) in the four (4) Focus Areas below, the Summit will fuel a data driven and nonpartisan strategy to collaboratively plan, fund, manage and measure the performance of innovative and sustainable community-based programs, initiatives and social enterprises. The sub-bulleted points represent the types of outcomes that can emerge from each focus area. Outcomes can be cross-pollenated, and, multi-leveled depending on the needs being addressed for different types of stakeholders (i.e., basic, medium and advanced). JOB & WEALTH CREATION § Asset Building/Financial Coaching & Capability § Entrepreneurship/Social Enterprises/Capital Access § Supplier Diversity § Business Growth Clusters § Residential & Commercial Real Estate Ownership EDUCATION & WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT § Industry/Community Pathways To Diversity & Inclusion § Science, Technology, Engineering, Art & Mathematics (STEAM) § College Prep, Linked Learning, Tutoring, Mentorship, Internships § Career Technical Education/Apprenticeships/Re-Entry § Life Skills, Leadership Development, Parent Engagement HEALTHY, SAFE & LIVABLE COMMUNITIES § Access To Affordable Quality Healthcare § Behavior, Influences & Environment § Crime Prevention § Neighborhood Infrastructure/Affordable Housing § Transit Oriented Development COMMUNITY OUTREACH, EDUCATION & ENGAGEMENT § Ethnic Media (Print, Online, Video – Email & SM Campaigns) § Product/Operations Upgrades (Cluster Collaboration For Impact) § Leverage Arts, Sports, Entertainment & Culture § ARIZE Supports Ongoing Engagement; Longitudinal Data § INTEGRATED SUPPORT: Policy, Programs, Etc. - Local/State |
FOCUS AREAS TRIPLE BOTTOM LINE COLLECTIVE IMPACT: THE FIVE CONDITIONS FOR SUCCESS SUMMIT PROCESS INTRODUCTION TO THE NEEDS Lack of Access to Capital and Markets Homeownership Disparities and Obstacles Workforce Development and Diversity Challenges Quality of Life In California’s Inner Cities SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES |